Boycott The CHEW! (Plan)

The Chew's Facebook fan page already has 40,000+ Likes, and every one is excited about it, but I am sure those people are not aware that it is replacing AMC! What we need to do is AMBUSH 'The Chews' Facebook Fan Page! It doesn't matter how much likes we give them, just as long as we post 'Boycott The Chew For Replacing All My Children!' I am sure some of the people whom' like the Chews page have watched and loved AMC before, so then they will see that The Chew is replacing AMC and unlike there page and boycott them, good plan right? Here is 'The Chews' Facebook page: Like it and post on there wall and posts: 'Boycott The Chew For Replacing All My Children!' So that is what you have to post and remember DO NOT ENTER THERE SWEEPSTAKES! I used to LOVE ABC, until they made this choice of canceling our soaps. I loved them because they produced and aired AMC! But now they they will no longer run our soaps after December, I no longer watch any of there shows! And remember DO NOT watch THE CHEW when it airs in SEPTEMBER!

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